게임 코드 자료실 2020. 4. 11. 13:01

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen

CoordMode, Pixel, Screen

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen

ListLines Off

SendMode InputThenPlay

SetBatchLines -1

SetControlDelay, -1

SetKeyDelay, -1, 0

SetMouseDelay, -1

SetWinDelay, -1

PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")

Process, Priority, %PID%, Normal

global X1, Y1, X2, Y2, 돌격소총, 빨간색, 저격소총, 배경색, 전경색

global FPGCBufferDC = 0

global FPGCReady = 0

global FPGCWait = 1

Gui, Color, FFFFFF

Gui, Font,, 맑은 고딕

Gui, Add, Text,, 해상도

Gui, Add, DropDownList, AltSubmit g설정 v해상도 w200, 1024 × 768||1280 × 1024

Gui, Show,, Bomchattack

Gui, 2: +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow

Gui, 2: Color, 000000

Gui, 2: Font, cffffff s12 bold, 굴림

Gui, 2: Margin, 0, 0

Gui, 2: Add, Text, v상태표시줄 w200

gosub, 설정열기



Gui, Submit, NoHide

if (해상도 = 1) {

X1 = 481

Y1 = 448

X2 = 513

Y2 = 385

상태표시줄Y := 768 - 66

Gui, 2: Show, x211 y%상태표시줄Y% NA, Secondary Bomchattack OSD

} else if (해상도 = 2) {

X1 = 609

Y1 = 596

X2 = 640

Y2 = 513

상태표시줄Y := 1024 - 66

Gui, 2: Show, x211 y%상태표시줄Y% NA, Secondary Bomchattack OSD




Gui, Submit, NoHide

IniWrite, %해상도%, bomchattack.ini, Bomchattack 설정, 해상도



if (FileExist("bomchattack.ini")) {

IniRead, 해상도, bomchattack.ini, Bomchattack 설정, 해상도, 1

GuiControl, Choose, 해상도, %해상도%

gosub, 설정

} else {

GuiControl, Choose, 해상도, 1

gosub, 설정




Suspend, Off

Gosub, GuiClose



gosub, 설정저장




SetTimer, 돌격소총사격실행, Off

while (돌격소총 = 1) {


빨간색 := FPGC(X1, Y1)

if (빨간색 = 0x0000ff) {

DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x02)

DllCall("Sleep", UInt, 768)

DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x04)

DllCall("Sleep", UInt, 256)



while (돌격소총 = 0) {


빨간색 := FPGC(X1, Y1)

if (빨간색 = 0x0000FF) {

DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x02)

DllCall("Sleep", UInt, 16)

DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x04)

DllCall("Sleep", UInt, 16)





SetTimer, 저격소총사격실행, Off


전경색 := FPGC(X2, Y2)

while (저격소총 = 1) {


배경색 := FPGC(X2, Y2)

if (전경색 <> 배경색) {

저격소총 = 0

DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x02)

DllCall("Sleep", UInt, 16)

DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x04)

DllCall("Sleep", UInt, 1)

GuiControl, 2: , 상태표시줄, 저격소총 사격





FPGC(x, y) {

global FPGCBufferDC, FPGCReady, FPGCWait

global FPGCScreenLeft, FPGCScreenTop

; check if there is a valid data buffer

if (!FPGCReady) {

if (FPGCWait) {

Start := A_TickCount

While !FPGCReady {

Sleep, 10

if (A_TickCount - Start > 5000)

return -3 ; time out if data is not ready after 5 seconds




return -2 ; return an invalid color if waiting is disabled


return DllCall("GetPixel", "Uint", FPGCBufferDC, "int", x - FPGCScreenLeft, "int", y - FPGCScreenTop)


updateFPGC() {

global FPGCReady, FPGCBufferDC

static oldObject = 0, hBuffer = 0

static screenWOld = 0, screenHOld = 0

; get screen dimensions

global FPGCScreenLeft, FPGCScreenTop

SysGet, FPGCScreenLeft, 76

SysGet, FPGCScreenTop, 77

SysGet, screenW, 78

SysGet, screenH, 79

FPGCReady = 0

; determine whether the old buffer can be reused

bufferInvalid := screenW <> screenWOld OR screenH <> screenHOld OR FPGCBufferDC = 0 OR hBuffer = 0

screenWOld := screenW

screenHOld := screenH

if (bufferInvalid) {

; cleanly discard the old buffer

DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", FPGCBufferDC, "Uint", oldObject)

DllCall("DeleteDC", "Uint", FPGCBufferDC)

DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", hBuffer)

; create a new empty buffer

FPGCBufferDC := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Uint", 0)

hBuffer := CreateDIBSection(FPGCBufferDC, screenW, screenH)

oldObject := DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", FPGCBufferDC, "Uint", hBuffer)


screenDC := DllCall("GetDC", "Uint", 0)

; retrieve the whole screen into the newly created buffer

DllCall("BitBlt", "Uint", FPGCBufferDC, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", screenW, "int", screenH, "Uint", screenDC, "int", FPGCScreenLeft, "int", FPGCScreenTop, "Uint", 0x40000000 | 0x00CC0020)

; important: release the DC of the screen

DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Uint", 0, "Uint", screenDC)

FPGCReady = 1


posted by 핵커 커뮤니티